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Team Serendipity is a group of Etsians who are committed to curating beautiful treasuries and promoting each other via these treasuries and other means of social networking.
We strive to follow Etsy's Terms of Use (TOU) and Do's and Don'ts.
Content: This is a personal blog created for Team Serendipity and its current members. The opinions expressed here do not have anything to do with and can stand alone from the Etsy Community. The content of this blog is not intended to cause harm, but if you have any concerns about the contents of this blog, please contact us. Disagreeing with the content of the blog does not constitute sufficient grounds for you to ask to have anything removed or to have something modified from this blog. Nobody that posts on this blog is being paid to write content or to manage and in any way operate this blog.
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Comments: We are not responsible for the content of any comments made by anyone on this blog. We are also not responsible for knowing whether the content of your comment is breaking the law in other countries or jurisdictions. This blog is a venue for discussion; therefore, we will not delete critical comments, or comments portraying a different opinion from our own. However, we reserve the right to edit, delete, or not publish a comment if it is deemed to be potentially illegal (this includes, but it is not limited to comments containing hateful, libelous, and defamatory content). All comments on this blog have to be written in English. Please do not endanger yourself or break the law when you comment. Comments intending to advertise and/or off-topic ("SPAM") will be deleted. The author(s) also reserves the right to block those who have previously published offensive comments, illegal content, or SPAM.
We strive to follow Etsy's Terms of Use (TOU) and Do's and Don'ts.
Content: This is a personal blog created for Team Serendipity and its current members. The opinions expressed here do not have anything to do with and can stand alone from the Etsy Community. The content of this blog is not intended to cause harm, but if you have any concerns about the contents of this blog, please contact us. Disagreeing with the content of the blog does not constitute sufficient grounds for you to ask to have anything removed or to have something modified from this blog. Nobody that posts on this blog is being paid to write content or to manage and in any way operate this blog.
Copyright: All the text, images and other content of this blog is property of the owner, unless noted otherwise. All logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners. You are not allowed to reproduce, sell, and modify any part of this blog. You are welcome to link to this blog, and to discuss its contents in a respectful manner. When you quote or link to this blog, please include the blog’s name in your link. You are not authorized to use this content for personal profit. UNAUTHORIZED COPYING, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION, REPUBLISHING, UPLOADING, POSTING, TRANSMITTING OR DUPLICATING OF ANY OF THE MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED. We have tried to the best of our ability to credit any sources and link back to any websites we have used in this blog. Whenever copyrighted material is mentioned or used, we are doing so according to fair dealing practices. Use of material from this blog according to fair dealing practices requires proper acknowledgment. Any images posted that don't have a reference, author, or website are the blog owner's own and they must only be used with permission. Simply linking back to the blog is not considered proper acknowledgment; please provide a link including the author’s name, the name of the page you are linking, and a permanent link to that page.
Comments: We are not responsible for the content of any comments made by anyone on this blog. We are also not responsible for knowing whether the content of your comment is breaking the law in other countries or jurisdictions. This blog is a venue for discussion; therefore, we will not delete critical comments, or comments portraying a different opinion from our own. However, we reserve the right to edit, delete, or not publish a comment if it is deemed to be potentially illegal (this includes, but it is not limited to comments containing hateful, libelous, and defamatory content). All comments on this blog have to be written in English. Please do not endanger yourself or break the law when you comment. Comments intending to advertise and/or off-topic ("SPAM") will be deleted. The author(s) also reserves the right to block those who have previously published offensive comments, illegal content, or SPAM.
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