Each week Team Serendipity spotlights one team member in our "I HEART...." series in the form of treasuries featuring their shop and linking their beautiful items using social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and StumpleUpon. This week it's Melinda from
Ravenhillpottery. Melinda is an artist based in Florida who has been working with ceramics since 1990 and is very inspired by nature. Her work features beautiful shapes that reflect the natural world, such as leaves, birds, flowers and butterflies, in a large array of bold and striking colors. Her items are also very functional. Melinda continues to work with clay even after spending time in various parts of the United States, dancing and modeling in New York, falling in love, and raising five children. Follow her on Twitter (
http://Twitter.com/RHPottery), visit her blog (
http://ravenhillpottery.blogspot.com), and browse on through to
her shop and show her some love.
And here is a recent beautiful treasury curated by Melinda for Team Serendipity:

I Heart.... 4/9 - 4/15
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